Saturday 30 November 2013

Production: Progress Review Blog

So far with my blogging, I am not happy with it because I am not doing my best at it. When it comes to my blogging details talking about the whole process of making the music video, I think that it was very weak. I wasn't posting things as they were happening and when I did, I wouldn't go into much details and I wasn't using different ICT skills to show what I was talking about. I am not happy with my individual blogging because I didn't have a lot of posts on my own. Even though at the end of blogging deadlines, I would reflect on them and set myself  targets, I really don't think I achieved any to be honest because of the lack of blogs I have.

Changes: Boy

• Boy: 

During the planning of the video, having a boy in it was one of the main things that we wanted. This is because we thought it would be an interesting way to portray the lyrics to the song while sort of creating a visual narrative for the audience to follow. The original idea was based on a girl who suspects that her boyfriend was cheating on her because of a dream that she had. 

Although we really liked this idea and wanted to go along with it, there was only one problem. We couldn't find a boy to be in our video. So after some thinking, Attilla volunteered her brother to be in the video. However, because of work and other circumstances, the times that we were all available were clashing. So we tried to look for another willing male volunteer to be in our video, but there was none. 

We then decided that it wasn't nessecary for a guy to be in the video. Because of this, it required us to change our WHOLE plan for the song, because it wouldn't make sense for the artist to sing about a "cheating" boyfriend if she didn't have a boyfriend to cheat on her, right? 

Changes: Weather


The weather was a big factor that contributed to what times and days that we went out filming. This is because the weather was terrible the majority of days that we needed to film. It was either raining, really windy, or just way too cold.

Due to this, we actually had to film less footage outside, and substitute it with some footage that we filmed inside college, such as the lips & the projector scene. I feel that this has made our video more successful because it means that we have more of a range of shot types, and locations.

 It also allowed us to come up with more creative ideas since we were in college and had more props on hand than we would have had if we went out. Another positive outcome of filming inside college was that it saved a lot of time. If we were to go out filming, it would take time to get to where we wanted to go, film, and then make our way back, not to mention carrying all the equipment. But, filming indoors allowed us to do what we needed to do really quickly, and then get straight back to editing. 

Changes: Green screen

• Green Screen: 

At the start of the making of the video, we intended on using the green screen. We wanted to go along with Mary's idea to paint the artists face green and apply a bright colour (red) to her lips, film it, and then edit. So we originally painted half of Katrina's face with green acrylic paint, but it started to crack when she sang. So we then decided it was smarter to use actual face paints. After filming we then went to edit the footage, But after trying it all out, we realised that it didn't look as good as we thought it would. 

However, as the time got closer to the deadline, we started weigh up the pros and cons of doing it and we then started to think whether it would fit in with the footage that we had already filmed, and we still had loads of editing left to do, we realised that we didn't have enough time for it. 

Friday 29 November 2013

Research: Reflection on what goes on

Progress review blog:

I believe that I have taken on what my teachers have said about my blogging and have been able to act on this and take in everything that they have said on board. I have learnt a lot of new things along this process of editing and believe that I have been doing well. There are many things that I need to improve on such as including more ICT and being more detailed within what I write in my blog, also I believe that I need ti include more blog post from my own mind rather than only creating posts from the blogging sheet and that will prove my dedication to get as many posts up on my blog as possible.

make a gif

Preview clips from our Music Video

Here are some clips (GIFS) from our music video, different types of shots and locations that we used.

Skills Development: EDITING

Things that I have learnt through editing, new skills and skills developed.

Editing in class..

Awkward Vlog: We've finishedddddddddddd!!!!!!

The whole experience of making a music video has been sooooooooo fun!! We all worked really hard and were really dedicated to produce the best music video. I just want to say a big thank you to Attilla, Jaleesa and Erica for making the filming of The Hype enjoyable (even in the rain and cold) and I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on our rough cuts (we couldn't have made our video even better without this)

Behind The Scenes: Bloopers from 'The Hype'


Videos from filming

Too many people in the way :/
Placing the tripod in a suitable place

Attilla's video diary LOOOOOOOL

Shot types

We used a range of close up and extreme close up shots to identify the artist.

sT087E on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
Extreme close up shot of Jaleesa's Lips

GzVpsW on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
Mid shot

izbd7m on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
High angle
fq1TcK on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
Low angle



We had a gap in our music video as we couldn't decided what we wanted to put in it. I  came up with an idea where I used a projector to project the lyrics of the song and recorded Jaleesa singing in front of them.

K4woaH on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Pictures: 'The Hype'

Here we have pictures from our journey through the process of filming our music video 'The Hype'

Skills development: new editing skills i've learned during editing

I've have learnt a lot of skills whilst editing our music video. I have learnt how to sync the original song on Final cut pro. The outcome of this was very successful as it was accurate to Jaleesa's movement of her mouth and it really looks professional as if Jaleesa is singing the song. 
fq1TcK on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

I have also learnt how to add appropriate effects and transitions to the footage, I used this technique at the beginning of the clip where I used fast jump cuts and fades to avoid the wonky shots being obvious.
k6dczA on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

When editing our music video, I realised that the night shoots looked really dark when projected. We were running out of time and there as no time to reshoot the location in the day so I had to fiddle around with final cut pro to make the footage lighter. This was very successful as it saved time (time to blog) and finish editing the rest of our video.
BIdXPM on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

I also learnt things such as adding text and making the the song fade out, this was done at the end of the song.

Production: Feedback of Rough Cut

This is a video of a student giving our group feedback after watching our rough cut video. It is important to gain feedback from not only your teacher but from someone who is also making a music video. This person is also part of the target audience that we are aiming at.

Thursday 28 November 2013

started from the bottom now we're here!!!!!

Hey everybody, I'd just like to let you all know that the filming of 'The Hype' is now overrrrrrrr!!!!!!
The wait is over, the wait is over!
Our music video will be showing at the cinema on December 10th 2013 and I am looking forward to seeing our video on a big screen!
Our music video can be viewed on vimeo too! 

Production : Skills Development (EDITING)

I learnt loads of new editing skills during the making of our music video. The editing skills that I learnt vary from what I did at AS, because last year we didn't have to sync the footage to the sound track. 

In the last few weeks, I've further developed my editing skills. (shoutout to Attilla for helping me brush up my editing skills.) 

I have learnt how to; 
• Sync the footage to the actual song clip

• To add appropriate effects and transitions to the footage 

• Make clips appear lighter/darker

• Add text to footage 

• Fade out the audio

• How to render the music video & what rendering means

The skills that i learnt so far in media are very useful, because it allows me to participate in the editing of the music video.

Production : Reflection

After the long process of making our music video we have FINALLY finished filming.


We had to re-shoot a few pieces of footage due to lighting and shaky camera work, however we got there in the end. Although we were not able to re-film certain bits that we didn't like, we had to substitute with other pieces of footage because it was TOO cold to endure another day of filming outside.

Locations that we filmed in include;
  • London eye
  • Southbank
  • Tower Bridge
  • London bridge
  • Shoreditch park
  • Canal in angel
  • Brick Lane
  • The media room in college

Skills Development: From AS-A2

This year I believe I have put a lot more effort and thought into planning this production. I have been more organised and focused about meeting blogging deadlines, planning when to film, coming to workshop at least twice a week and getting editing done. I have definitely structured my work better and have been organised and known exactly what I wanted to video to look like. I have also been dedicated through the cold horrible weather.  how to make a gif

During A2 I was able to use a lot of different uses of ICT for my blog.
We created social media pages where people could track our progress and see what we've been up to and behind the scenes of our music video.
I have taken on bored my feedback and have acted on it as I want to do as well as possible to make my blog as good as I can.

Below I have a picture of what my teacher has said for feedback which has motivated me to do better.

Production: Skills development

This year, I have taken a different approach to planning compared to last year. This year we have been much more spontaneous in ideas and since it is a music video it requires more creativity (in my opinion). 

However, this doesn't mean that our work was totally unstructured  and left down to spontaneity. Before we actually started filming, we created a timetable on time toast which we intended on following religiously to get our work done in the most efficient way. Making the timetable was the easy part, however following it was a different story. We had to edit the timetable multiple times due to work/lessons and life in general to perfect it and to make sure we were all available on the time slots in which we intended to film. 

Also, making a timetable for filming was a really different expirience because we planned on mostly filming during our spare time which isn't something that we did at AS, because our thrillers were mostly filmed during lesson time.

Also, during the production of our music video, we created social networking sites such as twitter and instagram. This has some similarities and some differences to what i did at AS. This year, we created a group twitter account to tweet parts of our timetable (when and where we were going to film for example), to keep the teachers and "fans" updated. However, last year we created a twitter account to promote our thriller to our target audience.

The group instagram that we created helped to promote our upcoming music video. We reguarly uploaded pictures and short videos so others are able to follow our journey of createing the video.

Production: Rough Cut Feedback

            We are all very happy to hear such wonderful things about our rough cut.

Monday 25 November 2013

Outline of improvements needed before final deadline

This video explains our improvements needed before the final deadline. On Monday 25th November 2013, Group 16 went out to South Bank (London Eye, Big Ben etc) to re-shoot certain scenes. We all feel that our re-shoots were not successful as we filmed in the night and we were not able to see the singer (we even used the special camera and our iPhone torch to help but it still didn't work). 

Running out of time as the deadline is getting closer and closer, Katrina thought of a creative idea to film in a class room where there is a projector. We used the projector to project the lyrics of the song whilst the singer was singing in front of the words. The outcome of this was really good and we are all satisfied and cannot wait to add it to our music video! :)

Saturday 23 November 2013

sh*t always starts from a lack of communication

Communication is a key factor towards the making of our music video as we all need to co-operate with each other. Using Whatsapp Messenger, we have created a group chat which enables us to chat to each other. This is very useful as we are able to plan filming days and discuss any issues.

Friday 22 November 2013

Skills development

Planning our music video 'Eliza Doolittle' has been very successful this year as we were all organised and we knew exactly what we wanted to create.  We made sure we were fully organised by creating a filming schedule which was created on Time-toast. During the A2 year, I was able to create social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram to show the progression of my work to others. I also looked at other music artists such as Rihanna and Keyshia Cole to help inspire me on my music video. This is something I did not do last year when filming our thrillers.
I have also acted upon my feedback from my previous blogs and have blogged more frequently. I have also used a range of technology such as Prezi and animation storyboards to create my blogs.

Editing in the A2 year is very different to AS as this year I have learnt how to sync songs, add transitions, text and even increase the brightness of our music videos. I feel that I am very confident in editing as I gained knowledge in AS.
This image shows the feedback given from my teacher. My current grade is currently at a C which isn't too bad but for me to achieve higher I must work at my targets.