Thursday 28 November 2013

Production: Skills development

This year, I have taken a different approach to planning compared to last year. This year we have been much more spontaneous in ideas and since it is a music video it requires more creativity (in my opinion). 

However, this doesn't mean that our work was totally unstructured  and left down to spontaneity. Before we actually started filming, we created a timetable on time toast which we intended on following religiously to get our work done in the most efficient way. Making the timetable was the easy part, however following it was a different story. We had to edit the timetable multiple times due to work/lessons and life in general to perfect it and to make sure we were all available on the time slots in which we intended to film. 

Also, making a timetable for filming was a really different expirience because we planned on mostly filming during our spare time which isn't something that we did at AS, because our thrillers were mostly filmed during lesson time.

Also, during the production of our music video, we created social networking sites such as twitter and instagram. This has some similarities and some differences to what i did at AS. This year, we created a group twitter account to tweet parts of our timetable (when and where we were going to film for example), to keep the teachers and "fans" updated. However, last year we created a twitter account to promote our thriller to our target audience.

The group instagram that we created helped to promote our upcoming music video. We reguarly uploaded pictures and short videos so others are able to follow our journey of createing the video.

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