Friday 24 January 2014

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary text (digipak and advertisement)?

Synergy In Music Video
When we discussed as a group for what should be Jaleesa's synergy, our first initial idea was to use her white Nike trainers that she always wore. That was the synergy till the point where we found out that we had to redo many shots again but we would have to start all over again because our artist Jaleesa had changed her hairstyle. When we started to re-record our scenes again, we all decided to change the synergy to Jaleesa's new hairstyle which were braids. We really liked this idea as it is an unusual synergy to have.

This was the original synergy we wanted to use. 

This is Jaleesa's braids which became the new synergy.

When we researched who else in the music industry who had braids in some parts of their music video, we found that two other people had done this. They are Beyonce and Brandy. 

Here is an example of Beyonce's braids in her music video called "Grown Woman". 

Here is Jaleesa in the music video that we made with her braids.

Synergy In Digipak and Advert
When we was preparing to take the pictures for the digipaks, we stuck with the braids to make it the synergy throughout so it would be linked to the music video and also this is so that when the audience see the music video and then they are to see the advert and the digipak, they would know straight away that this is the same girl from the music video that they had watched and they would know this from the braids. 

This is the front cover of the digipak and as you can see, this image that has been used has the braids that you see in the music video. When I was making the digipak, I also wanted to create a synergy for both the digipak and the advert and what I made the synergy here is the black background, the two types of text and the colours of the text. The colour of the word "Jaleesa" is the same colour as the top that she is wearing in the picture that is used on the front cover and I used white because white looks good on a black background and also I used this colour because I tried to use the orange from the skirt that she is wearing and it didn't look good so that's why I chose white.

On the advert, you can see that I carried on the synergy by using the same text that is on the front cover of the digipak and by also using the same colour that is on the front cover. I also included the front cover of the digipak on the advert so it would include the use of the synergy of the braids and also for the audience to know what album I am advertising of the artist Jaleesa. 

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