Monday 30 September 2013

Research: Carol Vernallis Theory

Carol Vernallis studied editing and camera work closely in music videos. She found that edits are used a lot more frequently in music video compared to films and that they stand out as disjuncture and that the editing seems to have a rhythmic basis closely connected to the song. The main points of Carol's observation are:
  • Edits may be very obvious to draw attention to themselves such as special effects
  • The rule of continuity editing are broken in order to bring attention to what is on the screen
  • Jump cuts are often used 
  • The camera may move in time with the music
In this Missy Elliott music video, we see all of the points Carol made. 

Research: Laura Mulvey's Theory

"In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy onto the female figure which is styled accordingly". (Laura Mulvey, 1992)

Laura Mulvey believes that in some music videos women are turned into sex objects for the pleasure of a man. In this video, we see the sexual tension and sexual attraction between Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne. This is done through the types of clothing that Nicki Minaj wears. She wears tight clothing which reveals her body shape and certain parts of her body and she also wears a swimsuit which shows off her body a lot and therefore attracts Lil Wayne to get close to her. The camera works helps us see all of this by focusing on certain parts of her body. 

Research: Cross Media Products and Synergy

Research: Favorite Student Video

11. Baris Timur, Danny Porter, Sasha Powell, Mohammed Ali from 283goswell on Vimeo.

This is my favorite student video because it contains a lot of editing and camera works that I really enjoyed. I really liked how the whole video was in black and white because it helped explain the story to show of how the artist is reminiscing about her relationship. I  really, really enjoyed the editing where the artist is singing and in the background, it's her memory of herself and her boyfriend when they were together. The way that this video was put together, you could clearly tell that the group had planned it out thoroughly. I like the locations that were used and also, each location had its own outfit. It also had the artist looking directly at the camera which engages the audience and I liked that because I felt connected and you could also see her facial expressions which helped set a mood. A weakness for this video is that there are no close ups or extreme close up so we can see the artist up front. Even though she was looking into the camera to give eye contact, it would have been better is some of them were close up shots.

Creating a band- Cross media products and synergy

Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects.

An example of a artist using synergy is Rihanna.

Rihanna started off as a young girl, fresh faces, natural and innocent. Rihanna used synergy to create a whole new image when she got signed to DefJam in 2005. Over the years her image has changed as she was pared with DefJam to create a new image which also created a lot of attention in the media.

Here Rihanna looks young and innocent and fresh... RIH on Make A Gif

Where as now Rihanna's synergy has created a whole new edgy image which has increased her fan base. Rihanna is now known for her cool tattoo's exposed outfits and often caught smoking in pictures

yy on Make A Gif

Research- Reflection on Progress

I feel as if I am working harder this year and have already picked our song for our music video. I have started planning different types of costumes that I will possibly wear for the music video and this has allowed me to get a head start so that I don't fall behind when it comes to planning. I have already come up with the storyline for our music video and have started thinking about the different locations. I feel that I am much more focused this year and my AS grade has motivated me to do MUCH better this year. I want to make sure that I am able to meet deadlines and make sure that my blog is interesting as well as informative.

Mark out of 20 for ICT: 
At the moment I would give myself a 10 or lower for my use of different ICT.

  1. I believe that I should include more detail in my blog 
  2. Blog daily to prevent rushing to blog for deadlines
  3. Include more variety of ICT 

Research- Skills Audit

In AS I believe that we had a lot more time to research what we wanted to do as we had a couple of months at the beginning of the AS year to learn about the rules and health and safety of equipment. However my research that I have to do for A2 had given me little time to decide on things as I have instantly had to work a lot more harder and focus more to make sure that I am meeting deadlines and starting and finishing blog posts.
My skills for researching have become much better and I know what I need to do this year to get a much better grade than I did last year. I can use different types of technology to include in my blog posts such as, prezi's, gif's and different types of slideshows to make my blog more interesting as well as informative.

Reflection on Progress

Comparing my blog in AS, I think I have improved the standard of my blog as I have used far more ICT skills than I did last year. However, I feel that I could have explored more ICT skills because I did repeat a few (Prezi's). I would rate my blog 14/20.

What to improve on for future blogs:
  • Spend more time on blogging
  • Try use a variety of ICT skills instead of repeating the ones I have already used
  • Be creative

Research- Laura Mulvey's Theory

Laura Mulvey's Theory was that...

 "In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in the looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy onto the female figure which is styled accordingly"

Her theory states that women are represented as visual pleasure to men. In this music video below we see the sexual chemistry between men and women, and the physical attraction between the two sexes. In this video the artist 'Kelly Rowland' is portrayed to be the sexual magnet for men and she is the centre of attention. The use of the artist's costume in this video really fits with Mulvey's theory as we see the sexual attention that she receive's as she only wears very tight fitted and revealing clothing which often shows off her assets as a woman. Through camerawork women the audience are seeing the way women are being portrayed as sexual objects.


KELLY on Make A Gif

Skills audit

Reflecting back on my AS coursework grade, I can see where I went wrong which has made me fix those mistakes on my A2 blog. The reason why I achieved the grade I got in AS was because I didn't use good use of ICT in every blog entry.  This year, I have used a numerous of ICT such as, making prezi's, gifs, time toast, embedded videos and photos.

Creating a Brand - Cross Media Products & Synergy

The term 'synergy' means the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect.
Rita Ora has used synergy in order to make herself be remembered by the audience. 

Throwback: Rita Ora shared a picture of herself as a fresh-faced youngster on her Instagram page
Here is a picture of Rita Ora before she was famous. She looks very natural and cute.
Exwjty on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
How we do video  
How we do single cover
As you can see, Rita Ora's official video of 'How we do' and the single cover has a lot of similarities. Rita Ora has created an image of herself from wearing red lipstick, a beanie and having curly blonde hair in both her single cover and music video for 'How we do'. This distinctive image has made her easily recognized and people would either know her as 'the singer who always wear the red lipstick' or 'the singer with blonde curly hair'. Rita Ora looks completely different to how she was before she was famous which means, her fame rebranded her new image. Rita is now known for her peroxide blonde hair and lashings of make-up.

Favourite Previous student video

My favourite music video from a previous year would have to be this video. I really enjoyed the different shots and the editing was perfect. They used different angles and locations and costumes to really make this video look good and you could tell that they really edited this well and took time to plan this. The girl playing the artist was able to look at the camera and also look away which was effective and made the video seem realistic as if she was really singing. I enjoyed her various costume changes and they way she would walk towards the camera and sing rather than stand in one position. The different types of close ups were affective as we could really see her facial expression.
25. Christabell Ndive, Juliana Lopez, Tamara Akotuah from 283goswell on Vimeo.

Mood Board

Research:Costume, Setting and Location

Little Mix-Wings
After doing research on Music video's, I have  noticed that costumes make a very big impact to a music video. I have noticed that bands such as Little Mix and One Direction dress very cool and trendy. qdKkZp on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
The use of costumes in this video, Little Mix-Wings made the band look good which can result in getting an audience. The band members are wearing bright colours to stand out. There are several costume changes throughout the video in order to keep the viewer engaged and to show viewers what is new in fashion. They are also wearing revealing clothes which also attracts views from males.
However, the location of the video matches the song as the song is very feminine, like the background/green screen of the video. The video is mainly aimed at girls as the background of the video consisted of bowties, flowers, hearts, boomboxes etc. 

Justin Bieber-Mistletoe:
Costume,l ocation and setting is very important in a music video because they can help understand the narrative of the story of the song.
3LAcZI on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs 
Mistletoe is a song about christmas and snow, the location of the video has helped me as a viewer understand the song more as in his location it is snowing. The artist is also wearing wintery clothes which matches his song as he is wearing gloves, a jacket and trainers.

Research: Costume research

Reflecting back on AS year: Music Video Remake


Sunday 29 September 2013

Research- Analysis of Costumes, Props and settings in music videos

I decided to analise Dizzee Rascal 'Holiday'

Girls are wearing bright bikini's and high heels, very exposed. Men are wearing swimming trunks. Artist is wearing a suite, shows importance and stands out from everyone else.

Setting and Location:
The video seems to be set in a hot country, in a big mansion in the back garden with a swimming pool

Champagne glasses, sunglasses, dog on leach

Research- Carol Vernallis Theory

Carol Vernallis studied editing and camerwork closely in music videos. She observed that edits in music videos come much more frequently than in a film that may stand out as disjuncture and that the editing seems to have a rhythmic basis closely connected to the song.
He main points of her theory is:

Camera Movement


  1. Edits are obvious 
  2. Done on the beat
  3. Jump cuts are used often

Camera Movement:

  1. Camera moves in time with the music
  2. Use of repetition for certain shots
  3. Lots of close ups
  4. Other frames more important than others
  5. Shot for base track is frequently used
  1. Narrative is not always clear
  2. Not always complete not always a resolution in the video
  3. The video is visual response to the music
A video that represents Carol's theory is 'The Bike Song' by Mark Ronson and the Business International

Research- Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Andrew Goodwin's theory is that traditional narrative analyses do not apply to pop videos. He feels that:

1) Pop videos are built around songs- no traditional narrative structure
2) The pop video uses the singer both as the narrator and character
3) The singer often looks directly at the camera

Illustration: This is shown when the music video tells a story through the lyrics. In Beyonce's 'Run the World' Video we can clearly see a army of girls taking over which fits with her lyrics as she is singing about girls running the world. Good example of 'Illustration'

Amplification: This occurs when the videos introduce new meanings that do not contradict with the lyrics but add layers of meaning. This music video by Kanye West 'Stonger' shows great example of that.

Disjuncture: This is where there is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric. Michael Jacksons 'Man in the mirror' is a great example of this as the song is about realisation but the video if full of racial events.

Research- Functions of a Music Video

Thursday 26 September 2013

Research: Favourite previous student video

This student video is my favourite because the video was edited really well. Edits such as slow motion were used, this is where the boy in the video was putting his glasses on. This edit makes the video more engaging. Some lyrics of the song were put on screen as captions/titles. This helped me understand the song even more. However, the artists of the song 'I Play Dirty' are youths and the students in the video are dressed like typical youths, wearing trainers, silver chains, snapback etc...which made them match the genre of the song which is UK Rap. Also, Mulvey's theory was also used in the video. This is where the camera tilts up when the girl is sitting on the chair. This means that females are watching the video in a males perspective.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Research: Andrew Goodwin's Theory

 Andrew Goodwin feels that traditional narrative doesn't really apply to pop videos. He said that pop videos approach narratives from a different angle to novels and films. Andrew Goodwin said there are reasons for the different narrative structure:

  1. Pop videos are made to fit the song and often do nit follow traditional narrative structures (normality-problem-resolution)
  2. The pop video uses the artist both as the narrator and character
  3. The singer will regularly look directly into the camera. This is to engage the viewer watching the performance.
Pop videos rely on repetition and this is seen when you see images being repeated in the way the song repeats choruses or line.
There are three types of relations between songs and videos: illustration, amplification and disjuncture.

Illustration: This is where the video tells the story of the lyric. Dance is often used to express the emotions/moods in the song. An example of this is Chris Brown's song "Run it". In this video, the dance between Chris Brown and the girl shows the audience that Chris Brown wants the girl and that is what he is singing about.    

Amplification: This occurs when the videos introduce new meanings that do not contradict with the lyrics but add layers of meaning. An example of this is Destiny Child's music video "Emotions". In this video, it shows the different types of emotions you could experience and in the end it all comes as one where they all share the same emotions. 

Disjuncture: This is where there is a little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric. In "Candy Rain" video by Soul For Real, it sings about how it feel to be in love and the video is 4 boys dancing and singing. 


Research: Carol Vernallis ideas on editing and camerawork in a music video

Carol Vernallis studied editing and camerawork closely in music videos, and identified some key features. She found that music videos contain more fast paced editing to the rhythm of the song. She found that continuity is broken within the editing of music videos in order to draw the viewer's attention to what is currently on screen. This is done by obvious edits, jump cuts, special effects and transitions.

Example: Rizzle Kicks - Lost Generation
Jump Cuts: are seen when they are being recorded & while they were fighting with the kids.

Obvious edits: 

Slow motion: 

Base track: Use of a base track is featured when they are in the big brother house and when they're dancing outdoors.

Research: Laura Mulvey'a theory of representation

"In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split anbetween active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects it's fantasy onto the female figure which is styled accordingly" - Laura Mulvey (1992)

Laura Mulvey believes that music videos sexualise and style women to portray them in ways in which men find appealing. She also says the fact that women are dismembered in music videos; so they are not seen as a whole person. Women are often shot in ways that dismember their body and focus on particular parts. When we watch music videos we are often an observer from the male perspective.

Example: Dizziee Rascal - Holiday

Here are a few shots where the women have been dismembered.

The main man in the video is seen wearing a suit & is covered up while the women are taking a passive role wearing provocative clothing.

Here is a shot of where the 'male gaze' is apparent.

Research: Copyright Clearance

Dear Madam/Sir

I would like to request to use the whole of “Strong” soundtrack by London Grammar. 

I am a student of A Level Media Studies and for my Advanced Portfolio I will be working in a group to produce a promotional package for the release of a new album track. I would like to request permission to use the above track for this project. 

The finished project will not be made available publicly and will be used solely for coursework purposes. The holder of the original copyright will be fully acknowledged in the finished project. 

If you do not hold the rights for this song I should be grateful if you could forward this request to the appropriate person, or return it to me with the contact details in order that I might approach the copyright holder directly. 

Yours faithfully 

Attilla Rogers

Research: Copyright Clearance

Dear Sir/madam,

Request for copyright permission to use part or whole of:

( Architects - Alpha Omega )
(You me at six - Bite my tongue)

I am a student of A Level Media studies and for my advanced portfolio i will be working in a group to produce a promotional package for the release of a new album track. I would like to request permission to use the above track/s for this project.

The finished project will not be made available publicly and will be used solely for coursework purposes. the holder of the original copy will be fully acknowledge in the finished project.

If you do not hold the rights for this song/s i should be grateful if you could forward this request to the appropriate person, or return it to me with the contact details in order that i might approach the copyright holder directly.

Yours faithfully

Erica Prince

Monday 23 September 2013

Research: Copyright Letter



One Codrington Mews


W11 2EH


Dear XL Recordings,

I am a student from City and Islington College currently studying A Level Media Studies and for my Advanced Portfolio I will be working in a group to produce a promotional package for the release of a new album track. I would like to request permission to use Adele- Rolling In The Deep.

The finished project will not be made available to the public and will be used solely for coursework purposes. The holder of the original copyright will e full acknowledge in the finished project.

If you do not hold the rights for this song I should be grateful if you could forward this request to the appropriate person, or return it to me with contact details in order that I might approach the copy right holder directly.

Yours faithfully

Katrina Parris

City and  Islington Sixth from A2 Media Studies Student

 City and Islington Sixth Form college

Sunday 22 September 2013

Research: Function of a music video

Research: Carol Vernalli's Theory

Carol Vernallis studied music videos in terms of editing and camerawork. She recognised that editing was more frequent in music videos than in film and often fitted with the rhythm of the song.
  • Base tracks are constantly used to give an specific structure to the music video
  • The camera moves in time with the music/beat
  • Jump cuts are used regularly contradict the pace of the song, and keep the audience engaged
  •  Some edits such as transitions and wipes are obvious to draw attention
  • 'Continuity' editing rules are not followed to draw attention to what is on screen

wsHyGR on
In Missy Elliot Work It video, obvious edits has been used as soon as the clip begins. Slow motion was used when the man in the video picked up the phone.

z9Mncp on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

The use of jump cuts often cut to a rapid like in ‘Glad You Came’ by The Wanted, in the first 20 to 30 seconds edit is cut to the raid beat of the song. 

In the song Jessie J- Price Tag, the camera moves with the lyrics. This is when Jessie J says "Everybody moves to the left" and the camera moves to the left and then to the right when she says "Everybody move to the right".