Sunday 8 December 2013

Analysing Digipacks

 I have decided to look at album covers by different artists' who have the same music genre as us. Our genre is House and I feel that looking at other House artists' album covers will help influence my idea's when making my digipack.

The image above shows Eliza Doolittle's album cover. Eliza's album is called "Eliza Doolittle" which is her name and I think she has chosen her album name to be this as she wants to re-brand herself and make herself known by the audience. By making her album name her name she is allowing herself to be easily recognised by a lot of the audience. Her album cover looks really fun and unusual as she has created a photomontage. A photomontage is the process and the result of making a composite photograph by cutting and joining two or more photographs into an illusion of an unreal subject. As you can see, Eliza has things such as a cat, glossy lips, London Gherkin, buildings in London, a volcano, Big Ben, The Shard and many more on her album cover. It is clear that Eliza is trying to re-brand herself as she has portrayed herself on the album of her cover. The audience are able to tell that Eliza is a British singer living in London because she has locations from London on her cover. The colour scheme on her album goes well with the genre of her music as House music is known to be very fun and from looking at her cover, she has used a range of eye catching colours such as pink, green and yellow to gain attention from people.
This is the back of Eliza's album. I really like how both her front and cover of her album is very different and unique compared to other artists' album. The back of her album has a listing of her songs on her album in different fonts which makes the back look really fun. It also shows that you don't need to have a consistent text to have a good cover. I  really like where the word "back" is back to front as the song is called "Back to front".  The text on the spine of the cover is the same font as the font on the front of the album which is really effective.

This is the album cover of 'Settle' by Disclosure. The album cover shows two young boys sitting on a chair posing for the camera. The young boys on the album cover are the artist when they were younger. From looking at this album cover, I can tell that the drawing on the boys face is their use of synergy as this art appears on most of their work such as on music videos, concerts and clothing. The album cover is very simple with a basic and readable font. The colour of the text is black and white which is a very reasonable choice as the white font matches the colour of the art on the artists face.

The back of the digipack is very simple which has the listing of songs in white font. The font colour and style has stayed consistent which makes the digipack look professional. Unlike Eliza Doolittle's digipack, Disclosure has the listing of the songs vertical whereas, Eliza's song listings is dispersed all over the back cover. Disclosure's album cover has the song title written in capital letters and have the feautures written in a smaller text.

David Guetta has chosen to have a red and white colour scheme for his digipack.He has his name slightly larger than the album name as he is trying to promote himself and get people to know his name other than just knowing his album name.The album cover is quite simple as it just has a photo of the artist with his album name and name but from the use of the positioning of the text he can get a wider audience as his name is written in a bold text which is hard to not miss when looking at a lot of albums on a shelf. 

David Guetta produces a lot of different types of genre in music. He is well known for producing House and Electropop. As you can see, the back cover of his album is written in Electro styled font which gives away the kind of genre it is. The colour scheme has stayed consistent as the back cover is also red and white.

 From looking at the digipacks from three different artists with the same music genre, I have noticed that all artists have positioned things such as the text, song list, barcode and copyright info in a different place. I believe that there is no correct way to position these things as long as you position it in a suitable place. For example, not putting text over the artists' face and having an extra large barcode.

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