Sunday 8 December 2013

Research: Previous Student Work

This digi pack is really nice. I like how the picture is big and is in the center of the front. I also really like the colour scheme that the album has and it is been showed through out the digi pack as the colours are on the inside of the case and it is also on the advert poster. The weaknesses of this digi pack is that on the spine, there is a spelling mistake of the name of the album and on the inside, they made the CD very small. They should have made it a bit bigger.


What I really liked about this digi pack is that the album is the same colour as the artist's jumper which I think is really nice and I really liked how they stuck with the grey colour theme by making the text grey also. Even though the text is grey, it is a different shade of grey so it could be easy to read and also for the text not to blend in with the original grey. A weakness of this digi pack is the advert poster; even though the album cover is on the poster, they included the spine and that should not be there. If they removed it then it would be fine.

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